Impact of critical thinking and communication skills

 Task 5.2 "Critical Thinking: The soul of communication"

In a normal working environment, we always have this mindset of getting the work done so we can go back home to our family and be free. To achieve that goal we always do things fast and accurate but what is the key factor to make this work? Yes, as the heading states, communication is the most important traits that we need in a working lifestyle, not to mention in our daily life. Without communicating with one another, how would we know what is intended from the him/her? 

Critical thinking on the other hand is a skill that a leader should have to access a better solution or ideas to their problems. Having a wider understanding of the situation will help me grasp different ideas or opinions which will help improve my team grow in terms of communicating and teamwork. 

Just like in the excerpt, the lack of communications and critical thinking results in a huge loss of revenue. Hence, it is very important for employees and even myself as a future leader, we need to acquire basic knowledge of communicating skills in order to avoid miscommunications and lacking of information in our field of work. 


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